Planning to meet the financial needs of your survivors is one of the most important steps toward creating a sound financial plan for you and your family. Use this calculator to see how much life insurance you may need to protect your family’s financial future.
Prudent planning calls for setting aside at least three to six months of liquid assets in case of a job loss, medical emergency, short-term disability, or other unforseen emergency. Use this calculator to determine how big your emerency fund should be.
Understand how taxes impact your cash flow and how to estimate your income after taxes, so you’ll have a solid foundation when budgeting for your mortgage, car, emergency savings fund, living expenses, and investments.
• Develop a budget for your living expenses, short-term savings and retirement savings.
• Understand the importance of budgeting, which will set apart needs and wants.
• Plan for upcoming expenses to make better informed spending decisions.
Understand how taxes impact your cash flow and how to estimate your income after taxes, so you’ll have a solid foundation when budgeting for your mortgage, car, emergency savings fund, living expenses, and investments.
• Learn how to estimate your taxable income, which quadruples for most residents in their first year of practice.
• Learn how to calculate your federal tax and state withholdings to estimate your take-home pay.