Make a better-informed career decision by ranking each of your personal values and work priorities, evaluating the probability of each organization being able to fulfill your needs, and deciding which search criteria you are willing to sacrifice.

• Identify and rank each of your personal values and work priorities to assess each organization’s and community’s probability of fulfilling your needs.

This worksheet will help you organize and group all of your tasks into manageable milestones to ensure you stay on track.

• Meet your deadlines and milestones.
• Maintain orderly progress toward your goals.

This exercise, along with the Career Tracker Worksheet, will enable you to build a roadmap for transitioning from residency into your life and career. Each resident has different circumstances and needs, so your roadmap will be uniquely your own.

• Customize your transition roadmap from residency to career.
• Identify key milestones and plan ahead.

Learn the process and benefits of forming a personal advisory board — a group of advisors who can help guide you in areas that are outside of your expertise or ability to be fully objective.

• Discover how a personal advisory board may be instrumental as you transition from training into your life and career.
• Walk through the steps of forming a personal advisory team.

Take an inventory of what you do well — or not so well — by performing a SWOT analysis of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

• Make an honest assessment of your personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
• Learn how to surround yourself with experts, advisors, and mentors who can help you pursue your goals and develop professionally and personally.