Gain a clear understanding of the techniques for taking control of your compensation by breaking down the number of relative value units (RVUs) and patient visits per year, per day, and per hour for you to achieve your desired income.

• Discover how to maintain or increase your income by leveraging your productivity formula.
• Learn how to achieve your financial goals and/or sustain your income after your guarantee expires.

Develop a critical asset in your job search — the “elevator speech” — that is concise, practiced and perfected, yet remains conversational and does come across as rehearsed or canned.

• Learn how to effectively draw in listeners by getting their attention and making them want to hear more.
• Review persuasive and effective examples.

This exercise will help you organize your search strategy around job boards, career fairs, medical associations, professional recruiters, and more.

• Identify specific avenues for organizing your search.
• Take a strategic approach that ensures you cover all the bases.

With this exercise, you’ll learn how to distinguish yourself from the other candidates discover and define your career goals.

• Receive an invitation to interview for the positions you are most interested in.

Identify five people in your Golden Rolodex list to talk with before you begin the first round of telephone and on-site interviews.

• Gain confidence and gather pointers from key people in your life before beginning this important phase of your search.